Gen 1 Responsive Call to Worship

By Daniel House
Created May 24, 2017
- Document
*Call to Worship
One: With the rising of the sun,
we are reminded of God’s generosity and power.
All: We hear the words addressing all creation,
and hear them addressing our own hearts as well.
One: God said, “Let there be light.”
And light filled all that there was.
All: We hear the words addressing all creation,
and we are drawn towards the formation
of God’s spirit in our own lives.
One God separated the light from the darkness
and saw that the light was good.
All: O God, fill us with your Spirit
and drive from us all that is unworthy of your beauty
and everlasting life. Inspire us to a passionate and
selfless love for all your creation, that your light
will shine in all our living. For you are worthy,
and more than worthy, of our celebration in every day.
Hear our songs of praise, Amen.